
Phu My Hung Security caught motorbike thief

On May 8, Phu My Hung Security caught a motorbike thief on the internal road between My Khanh 2 and My Toan 2. It was known that the thief walked to the above road and saw a motorbike parked on the street. Knowing that nobody looked after the motobike, the thief took it and then went towards Nguyen Van Linh Parkway.

Recognized by the Phu My Hung Security, the thief left the bike behind and ran away. When running to the internal street of My Phuoc Complex, the guy was restrained by security guards on the spot. After that, the security guards took him together with the exhibits to the Tan Phong Ward police station and instructed the victim to file a report.

At the police headquarters, without any identity papers, the thief mentioned himself as Ngo Van D, born in 1989, from Dong Nai Province and admitted stealing motorbike.

Phu My Hung Security reminds residents and guests to park their motobikes where they can look after to avoid unexpected incidents.

In case of security problems, please contact Phu My Hung Security Team through hotline: (028) 5411 3113

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