
Lawrence S. Ting School increases enrollment quotas for the school year 2022-2023

In the past recent years, Lawrence S. Ting School has been one of the private schools with a relatively high rate of “competition” for admission. The number of applications for admission exceeded the school’s enrollment quota. The school’s average “competition” ratio in recent years has been around 2:5. It means there will be 2 successful applications out of 5 applications for admission averagely.

Unlike previous years, the school’s enrollment target for the 2022-2023 school year in grades 6 and 10 has increased. Compared to the previous year, the enrollment of grade 6 increases in quantity of 104, grade 10 increases in quantity of 72. The target of accepting transfer students in grades 7 and 8 also increases significantly. This is the result of the comprehensive educational development orientation along with the investment to expend the training scale and upgrade the existing facilities of the school.

The enrollment criteria and conditions for the 2022-2023 school year of Lawrence S. Ting School are as follows:

Admission to grade 6

Target: Estimated 10 classes. Maximum number of students is 32 per class.

Who are eligible:

  • Students who have completed primary school and are within the specified age range.
  • The total test score of Vietnamese language and Math subjects at the end of the 4th and 5th grades got at least 36 points

Admission to grade 10

Target: Estimated 8 classes. Maximum number of students is 36 per class. It is expected to accept students who have graduated from secondary school (not from LST school) for 2 classes.

Who are eligible:

  • Graduation ranking from Good or above
  • Average score at the end of 9th grade is 8.0 or higher
  • Average score of Math and English subjects from 8.0 points or more; Physics, Chemistry, Literature from 6.5 points or more

Accept transfer students of Term 1


  • Grade 7: Expected 2 classes, maximum number of students is 36 per class
  • Grade 8: Expected 2 classes, maximum number of students is 36 per class
  • Grade 9: Expected 6 students
  • Grade 11: Expected 10 students

Eligibility Criteria:

For students studying based on the program of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam:

  • Grade 7: The whole year’s behavior Evaluation of the previous school year is classified as Good; Average Score of subjects of the previous school year: Literature and Natural Sciences got 6.5 points or higher, Math and English at 8.0 or higher, no subject is below 5.0 or failed.
  • Grades 8, 9, 11: The whole year’s behaviour Evaluation of the previous school year is classified as Good; Average Score of all subjects for the whole year of the previous school year is 8.0 or higher; average score of subjects: Literature, Physics, Chemistry got 6.5 or higher; Math and English got 8.0 or higher, no subject is below 5.0 or failed.

For students studying based on the international programs at International Schools in Vietnam or studying abroad: Parents contact the Admissions Department for guidance and application review.

Application period:

  • Grade 6 from June 13 to 19, 2022
  • The rest grades from June 20 to 26, 2022
For more information about the enrollment of LST School, please contact:
Tel: 54110040 – Ext,: 108 or 304

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